Top Standard Color Schemes for Website Design

Cody Eklov
Cody Eklov
Several crayon-shaped pieces of chaulk in different colors

Colors are important for website design and marketing your business. A number of color schemes are popular because they are effective and reinforce brand image.

Some of the best branding and designing often goes unnoticed--not because it is done poorly, but because it is done well. It is worth taking a closer look at some color schemes popular in website design, precisely because they can be so important and effective.

Why Colors Are Important

A good color scheme is pleasing to the eyes and attractive to viewers. This much is obvious.

But a great color scheme also does so much more. An effective color scheme reinforces company image and evokes certain emotions in the viewer.

So, let's briefly discuss some commonly utilized color schemes for website design.

Standard Color Schemes

Among the most common color schemes prevalent on the Internet include: blue, green, and a combination of black, white, and grey.


Blue color schemes are very common in modern website design. Shades of blue and its complementary colors tend to evoke feelings of trust and calm. Blues can also promote a feeling of higher intellect and authority.

So, the emotions that blue color schemes evoke lend themselves well to businesses where calm and trust are desired, such as healthcare, finances, and technology.

Here are a few examples of some websites using a blue color scheme:


Green color schemes often evoke feelings of being natural and healthy. They also naturally make us think of finances and money.

Green color schemes are therefore appropriate for business involved in finances, foods (especially natural and organic), and health.

Here are a few examples of some websites using a green color scheme:

Black, White, and Gray

Another standard color scheme is a combination of black, white, and gray. These colors often imbue the viewer with feelings of being classy and sophisticated.

Black, white, and gray color schemes are great for authoritative and up-scale branding. These colors support a company image of being modern, fancy, high-quality, expensive (or more nicely put, valuable), and chic.

Here are a few examples of some websites using black, white, and gray color schemes:

What Are Your Colors?

Given all we've discussed, what are your colors? What is the color scheme that supports your brand? Which colors will evoke the desired emotions in your website's visitors?

Think about it. It's important.

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