5 Reasons Your Business Should Be Listed in an Online Directory

Cody Eklov
Cody Eklov
A library card catalog

From added business exposure to an SEO boost, there are so many reasons to have your business listed in an online directory.

A listing in an online directory can be of tremendous value to businesses large and small.

Websites that serve as online directories list a variety of useful information (services provided, contact information, etc.) that help paying customers find you and your business. They are kind of like a glorified phonebook -- only way better.

There are a number of serious benefits to having your business listed in such an online directory. Here are just a few.

Advertise your business

The simplest and most obvious reason your business should be listed in an online directory is that it is one more way to advertise your business. A listing in an online directory is one more way to capture the attention of potential customers.

And, it is a more effective way to advertise your business than traditional advertising. That is because -- unlike paid advertisements that appear on websites in an annoying and haphazard way -- your future customers are already looking for your services.

For example, your future patrons are already searching Google for things like 'chiropractors in Los Angeles' and finding their way to these online directories. If you have a listing in an online directory, the chances they find their way to your business are significantly increased.

Boost your SEO

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, is basically a way to get the eyes of more and better potential clients on your website. That means you want more of it.

More specifically, SEO means doing things on and for your website to get it to rank higher up on search engines like Google.

Now, there is a lot that goes into boosting SEO.But simply put, the external links (links on other websites that point to your website) from listings in an online directory are great for SEO.

Get more website traffic

Are your potential customers trying to find you by flipping through the pages of a phonebook? Probably not.

Most of your potential customers are trying to find your services on the Internet.Naturally, a listing in an online directory can provide a boost to your website traffic. That means more exposure and more visibility.

Take control of your business image

This is arguably the most significant benefit of listing your business in an online directory.

Having your business listed in an online directory provides a natural reassurance to your potential clients.When they see your business listed by a third party, it lends a higher degree of legitimacy and trust to your business and its services.

What's more, some online directories allow you to customize the information in your listing. For example, you can often write your own description of services offered.This helps get the right customers to your website and through your door.

Some online directories even perform (or require) reviews of your services.Some will even post customer testimonials. The point is: with a listing in an online directory you can take control of your business image.

Keep costs low

The icing on the cake is that a listing in an online directory usually doesn't cost that much.

Most online directories provide listings for only a small fee. The cost of a listing in an online directory largely depends on what kind of services your business provides.

For example, the cost of listing an attorney with a nationwide business is far more expensive than that of a chiropractor in a small town. Most of the time, this fee can be as small as $100, $50, or even $25 per month.

The simple fact, though, is that a small monthly fee for a listing in an online directory can provide a ton of value. And that makes it cheap.

Want to get listed? Have a question?

Send us a message and we'll get in touch.